Shopping Game on Magnetic U BlackBoard
2025年3月15日 上午9:38:22
Finally I get the chance to set up a LARGE magnetic board on the wall in the living room. I have been wanting to get one of these for a long time. I wanted a large one to display the activities I set up for J to learn and play. It's easier to see when everything is on one board.
The boards were from @ufixx_hk , they can be removed from the wall when I want my living room back to normal. I can put them back on whenever I need.
I love the crayons which I used to write on the boards. They are very smooth and most importantly, easy to clean.
In the picture I set up one of J's favourite activites, the shopping game that I made for him. He loves to buy a lot of food and calculate how much money he needs to pay with my pretend HK money. We swap place to become the shopkeeper and the customer.
I also set up some Maths challenges for him to try.
鳴謝 : Busma Mama